
Manufacturers, importers, local distributors, suppliers of SOIL STRUCTURE products and brands. Vendors, contractors, companies offering sale, rental, installation, setup, repair and maintenance services of soil structure products.

Eastern Wire Gabions & Mattresses

INCA Plastic Flood Barriers

Maccaferri Biomac C Erosion Control Mattress

Nicol Geogrid Reinforced Retaining Walls and Structures

PGA Group of Companies ~ construction materials testing, gabions, pavement reinforcement materials, soil nailing, jet grouting, rammed aggregate pier

RTerra ~ rockfall barrier, retaining wall, riverbank protection, landslide mitigation, sedimentation pond lining, flood control

Soils, Inc. ~ earth retaining structures, soil testing services

Solid Building Materials Gabion


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INCA ~ one of the oldest and most experienced rotomoulding companies in the world


PGA Group of Companies ~ gabions, pavement reinforcement materials, soil nailing, jet grouting, rammed aggregate pier


RTerra ~ rockfall barrier, retaining wall, riverbank protection, landslide mitigation, sedimentation pond lining, flood control


Soils, Inc. ~ soil testing services, earth retaining structures


Solid Building Materials ~ shoring, decking system, scaffolding, framing, wall forms, gabions


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