MRAquino Design and Construction strongly believes that HARD EARNED MONEY deserves QUALITY SERVICE. QUALITY SERVICE for QUALITY CLIENTS. Over 5 years of local industry experience, our team of professionals make sure every project we turn over is met within DEADLINES.

We are a DEDICATED group of PROFESSIONALS that provides QUALITY SERVICES. FLEXIBLE DESIGNS that varies depending on CLIENT'S NEEDS. PROVIDING Real Estate Services for all. Helping shape our environment with BEAUTIFUL, STRONG, and FUNCTIONAL DESIGNS.



Renovation - carpentry, masonry, welding, painting, tile setting, and major repairs!

Real Estate Services - finding the right real property for our clients

Design and Construction - from drawing to built structure

AutoCad and 3d Modeling


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MRAquino Design and Construction

Address: Dominican Hill Rd, Baguio, 2600 Benguet

Mobile: 0917 549 1199 | 0945 133 4234


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